169 research outputs found

    Competitiveness and innovativeness of the EU dairy industry

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    This study provides the methodology to measure competitiveness and an assessment of the European dairy industry’s competitiveness and innovativeness. Several studies on competitiveness of industries are weakly theoretically founded, descriptive of nature or do not provide an overall assessment of all indicators used. This study provides an integrated and quantitative approach. The EU dairy industry competitiveness turned out to be weak. Policy projections show that modest improvements for the EU are possible by abolition of the quota system. A unique database on innovations in the dairy industry has been compiled. The number of innovation per firms’ size classes follows the production value and employment. Small firms are as innovative as large firms measured as innovation per billion turnove

    Administrative burdens in the European food industry : with special attention to the dairy sector

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    This report investigates the relationship between administrative burdens and competitiveness in the European dairy industry. A firm perspective is used. The relationship between administrative burdens and competitiveness has been broken down into four aspects: innovation, deployment of food safety and quality systems, food labelling and supply chain transparenc

    Struggle for Leadership: The Competitiveness of the EU and US Food Industry

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    Globalization is an important issue in the food industry, although most food is still locally produced and consumed. Many small and medium enterprises characterize the industry. Results of WTO negotiations intensify the international competition, in which the EU and USA are the largest players. Countries like Brazil, India and China are gaining market share. This raises the following research questions: 1. How competitive are the EU and US food industry and their sub-sectors? 2. Which role plays innovation and legislation in the competitiveness of the industry? 3. How will the competitiveness develop under future globalization and trade liberalization? The goal of this study is to fill these knowledge gap

    EU food legislation as perceived by industry

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